Sunday, November 22, 2009

Urban Squirrels: Time Spent in NorCAL Academia

This weekend being the "big game" weekend between California Berkeley and Stanford, I thought that I would spend just a few moments reflecting on some time spent last week at UC Berkeley while attending a short course on aviation planning and airport reporting.

The campus at UC Berkeley is a typical urban university environment.

Somewhat dingy and most certainly over exposed to people, foot traffic and discarded containers of all types and sizes. During the day it is, well, not a very pleasant sight at all.

However, at night (at the corner of Durant and Telegraph) this all changes.

A buzz with people of all types, scurrying from this study session (or party) to that, the hum of energy, urgency and intelligence is most inspiring.

These urban squirrels, disconnected on the surface yet interestingly connected by the physical space they share - scurry and hurry and make their way to where ever, what ever they are late for with an urgency laced with just the right amount of youth nonchalance.

I enjoyed the time.

In a way, the experience made be feel somewhat closer to my own two sons - both currently racing, scurrying (and squirreling) their way at universities at opposite ends of this vast country.

So here's to the urban squirrels.
Here is to improving a struggling higher education system.
Here is to an ever innovative youth and the importance of the next wave.
And here is to a pleasant evening at the corner of Durant and Telegraph in downtown Berkeley.

If only we could tap all that energy....