Thursday, December 29, 2011

Machine Withdrawal: A Public Sector Furlough Frenzy

I admit it.
I have become my father.
Meaning... I have officially become the chronic workaholic.
I know that it was simply a matter of time...

This past week, coming off of the Christmas holiday, our public sector offices shut down
(save for primary, public safety functions) as a budget savings strategy.

Mind you, I completely agree with this leadership decision.
Drastic budgetary times require drastic budgetary solutions.

But this workaholic dude is climbing the walls.....
I don't really know why I am who I am.
I guess that a goodly part of this anxiety comes with the fact that 
I most definitely self identify with my work.  
NOTE TO SELF: Is that such a bad thing?

(me thinks) So many of my (younger) contemporaries are so easily prepared to disconnect.
Revel in it, actually.
Leave it in a heartbeat.... mid sentence even....
Thinking nothing of no check in, no idea development, no project brainstorm, no FUCKING BURN to connect and develop our process forward.... in spite of the mandatory break.

Part of me is (so) jealous of this Gen X (or GEN whatever) ability to step away.

No, not really...
It shows in their work.
It shows in their (in) ability to deliver.
Passion is either there or NOT.
In most cases, the younger staff member is more invested in those concert tickets scored for Friday or too eager to rush home (via the gym) to TIVO their obsession for desperate somethings on TV.

Ultimately, I am dealing with my withdrawal with some interesting readings.
Strategy development and mock time lines for my current department transformation project.
It has been time well spent, oh, and NEWS FLASH #2, I have spent some wonderful time with family, enjoyed several day trips and even made some significant accomplishments in my on-going backyard development.

As this mandated furlough week winds to a close, I am feeling rested and ready to implement and change.... and eager to hit the ground running in this exciting new 2012.

frenzied bureaucrat loves...