Saturday, December 20, 2008

Maiden Voyages....

This is my maiden voyage into the blog-o-sphere.
So, if by some wild happenstance some one (1) of you read this - please be patient.

Just to set some background...
I am a Deputy Executive in the Chief Executive Office for a mid-sized California County - which is to say, a governmental entity that in many states would equal a majority share of that state's population. That doesn't really mean anything - just stating that the machine that I speak to is of a larger variety and rife with its own battles with culture, morays and idiosyncrasies...:)

I work primarily on Economic Development projects.
Mine is a very project driven assignment (which is a good thing because I have a very low threshold for bordom)
I live in a world of land use policy, business and industrial park developments, community technology strategies and outreach, facilities fees and incentive programs and even regional tourism initiatives.

I have (for too many years) been very fascinated with all things organizational theory - how things tick (and tock) in a large bureaucratic structure.

I will speak to my direct and indirect experiences periodically - and I do mean periodically.
I am passionate about my work, my family and my many artistic special interests so I will post irregularly - when the mood and the content provide themselves.

This is NOT a transparent attempt to seek business, market a new blanket with arms in it, or sell anyone or anything.  Just my own (hell, its free) cyber-space venting ground.

If you find my ramblings of any interest - or not, I would love to hear from you and to gain your perspective on all topics of life within the machine.

Best to you goes,



MENJIVAR said...

I cant wait to read all your adventures and learn from your experiences. Thanks for being part of free express.

tiehead said...

Thank you for your compelling little push...

mike said...


Looking forward to reading your wise musings/rants.

all the best for 2009!
