Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Year of Tens: Sustained Partnerships in Action

2009 marks the tenth anniversary for several very productive, civic change initiatives that should remind us all that an amazing community spirit of working together is alive and well in Stanislaus County, even in these times of bailout, foreclosure and uncertainty. 
This is the year of tens.
At a time when the media seem to douse us daily with bad news and worse news, three hallmarks of sustainability quietly (and productively) continue to make positive change.
In January, the Stanislaus Employee Mentor program turned ten.  The program crossed the 14,000 mentor volunteer hour mark and welcomed several new partners into the fold including the Stanislaus County Office of Education and the Modesto Lions 500 Club.  The program continues to inspire those children who benefit from the attention of a caring adult and equally connects with the employees who have found that by giving back to community, their own lives seem fuller, richer, and more purposed.  Muhammad Ali once said "service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."  The Stanislaus County Employee Mentor participants pay it forward one child at a time.
In June, the Regional Tourism Round table, a public-private consortium of cities, chambers of commerce, convention and visitor bureaus, and tourism-centric businesses will also turn ten. This strategic work group has developed many outreach tools since inception, including a palm pilot based point-of-contact survey offered to the many fairs and festivals that take place throughout the year, providing valuable customer feedback data to those local planning groups who make those festivals happen year after year.  In addition to this value-added initiative, the Round table works collaboratively on multiple marketing projects, promoting to the region the many positive messages that are unique to Stanislaus County.  After all, image and perception are cornerstone to business retention, attraction and recruitment.  If we don't proactively tell our story,  others will tell it for us and too often those stories are the negative, sensational stories that are hardly a realistic reflection of life in our community.
In October, the community technology outreach strategy Connecting Stanislaus, will, you guessed it, also turn ten.  Connecting Stanislaus continues to make significant strides toward bridging a digital divide and providing technology education and training to our residents.
These programs are inspired by many, including policy makers, city staffers, chamber members, local businesses and a number of community sectors - from agriculture to non-profits.  The members of these impressively sustained partnerships believe in their community. They believe in an ability, when we work together,  to make positive change.
Yes, this is the year of tens... and in Stanislaus County, these work groups are just getting started.

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